Most business owners start with a fierce independent streak. We’re confident, capable, and determined to make things work, taking pride in figuring things out for ourselves. After all, who knows our business better than we do?

But independence can come at a steep price. When we insist on handling everything alone often without boundaries, we can spend countless hours reinventing wheels that others have already turned. Meanwhile, vital strategic work sits untouched as we drown in day-to-day operations.

Are you the “I’ll handle it” type?

You pride yourself on being self-sufficient. Your desk is piled with half-read business books. Your phone is full of productivity apps. You’re drowning under an avalanche of AI tools. You stay up late scrolling and scrolling, researching solutions, convinced there’s another angle to consider.

You’ve built your business through sheer determination. “I’ll sort it out” is your default response. Delegating feels harder than doing it yourself. You know every detail of your operation because you’re involved in everything there is to do.

Does this sound familiar?

What have you got to lose?

Time spent second-guessing decisions. Sleepless nights wondering if you’re making the right choices. The constant weight of sole responsibility. These are the hidden costs of isolation in business. Ask yourself, How many opportunities might you have missed while caught up in daily firefighting? What strategic initiatives remain on hold because you’re spread too thin?

What could you gain?

Imagine having a sounding board who understands business across multiple sectors. Someone who can spot patterns you might miss, who’s seen similar challenges solved in different ways. My experience across manufacturing, hospitality, and freelance business support means I bring a diverse wealth of perspectives to specific situations.

Picture this instead

Imagine starting your day with clarity, not a racing mind of unfinished tasks. Your team is developing, and taking ownership of their roles. You’re focused on strategic growth because daily operations run smoothly without constant intervention.

You have regular, focused sessions with someone who understands business complexities. Your decisions are sharper, backed by experience beyond your sector. You’re not just working in your business – you’re confidently directing its future.

Real impact: a retirement planning case study

Two years ago, I began working with a business owner planning their exit within five years. Rather than prescribing a standard solution, we created a bespoke strategy aligned with their vision. Together, we’ve already identified and started developing their successor, created KPIs with clear milestones, established a comprehensive team development programme and implemented consistent marketing activities that reflect the business’s values.

Now we’re moving into financial modelling to ensure the business thrives beyond their departure. This showcases how business mentoring adapts to your unique needs rather than following a rigid formula.

The synergy of partnership

The right mentor doesn’t take over or dictate solutions. Instead, they share relevant experiences, ask probing questions, and help you see your challenges from new angles. This creates remarkable synergy – your deep industry knowledge combined with cross-sector insights often reveals solutions that neither party would spot alone.

The true value of mentorship

Benjamin Disraeli said: “The greatest good you can do for another is not just share your riches, but to reveal to him his own.” For me, this captures the essence of meaningful business mentorship. It’s not about providing ready-made answers or taking control. Rather, it’s about helping you uncover solutions that already exist within your knowledge and capabilities.

A mentor’s role isn’t to direct your business but to shine a light on possibilities you might not have considered. Through focused discussions and strategic questioning, we reveal opportunities that align with your vision and values.

So, the hidden cost of going solo isn’t just time or missed opportunities – it’s the untapped potential of your business, waiting to be revealed through fresh perspective and strategic partnership.

When you’re ready to move from constant firefighting to strategic growth, let’s discuss what’s possible for your business.

Debbie Frith is the founder of Boost and Beyond Business Solutions, bringing over 30 years of diverse business experience across manufacturing, hospitality, and entrepreneurship. With expertise in strategic planning, business growth, and mentorship, Debbie helps business owners unlock their potential through practical guidance and proven strategies. Contact her at or call 07836 232184 to discuss your business goals.